To make it easier for more Cursillistas to attend, this year’s Annual General Meeting & Ultreya will again be held virtually via a Zoom session. To receive the coordinates for connecting to the session, please email with the subject “AGM 2023”. The link will be sent a few days before the meeting. We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us.

The following positions on Secretariat will be opening up at this year’s meeting:  Assistant Lay Director, Post Cursillo (4th Day) Coordinator, Palanca Coordinator, Music Coordinator, and Communications Coordinator. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact our Nominating Committee at

The OACM Handbook has been updated again this year. There are no amendments to the Bylaws and Constitution. A summary of the changes is here.

The Agenda can be found here.    The annual reports can be found in the following links:

  • Lay Director report
  • Assistant Lay Director report
  • Lay Director Advisor – no report
  • Spiritual Director report
  • Pre-Cursillo Coordinator report
  • Fourth Day Coordinator report
  • Communications Coordinator report
  • Weekend Coordinator – no report
  • Treasurer report , financial statement ,  budget
  • Palanca report
  • Leader’s School / Servant Community Coordinator – no report
  • Secretary – no report
  • Musica report
  • CACS – no report

The minutes of the 2022 AGM are here.