On May 6, 2023 people from the Cursillo community attended a workshop, entitled Re-imagining Cursillo for the 21st Century. From our discussions, we discovered that Cursillo remains a vibrant, living community, called and equipped by God to continue the work that God has called us to do. The outcome of this workshop identified five themes for our community to review. These are:
Promoting Cursillo; Sponsorship; Cursillo Weekend; Group Reunions; Education.
As a result five small working groups were created to look at each of these themes and make recommendations on how we could improve upon each of these areas. This past winter these group met and identified a number of recommendations for improvements. These recommendations were presented to Secretariat in the Spring. Based on these recommendations an implementation plan was developed for the coming year 2024/2025.
In the summer and early fall of 2024 we plan:
- on improving our communications to the Cursillo community as well as all parishes of the diocese so that they are kept informed of Cursillo events.
- communicating more about how to sponsor candidates for a weekend as well as update the sponsorship brochure.
- on creating a new position to be called the Group Reunion Coordinator. This position will help new and existing Cursillistas find a group reunion.
In the Fall of 2024 we plan:
- on continuing work on our communications by having a table at Synod with material about Cursillo and developing a communications plan.
- review the recommendations about the Cursillo weekend and look at ways to potentially combine or shorten some of the rollos. We also plan on identifying ways in which we can ensure we are being more inclusive.
- on continuing the work on group reunions.
- on developing a learning calendar that will identify dates for educational offerings.
In the Spring/Summer of 2025 we plan:
- on developing and holding learning events
This is a high level synopsis of our implementation plan which will be presented in full at the September AGM.
Ultreya, Sharron Hamilton Lay Director