Prospective participants may be approached by someone who is already part of the Cursillo Movement or they may decide on their own that they are interested in attending a weekend. Either way, everyone who attends a Cursillo weekend has a Mentor, someone who has been on a weekend and remains active in the Movement. Being a Mentor is a responsibility as well as a joy. The role should be entered into with prayerful consideration, since it goes well beyond simply recommending that someone attend a weekend. Mentors, formally known as sponsors, commit to sharing in another person’s spiritual journey by supporting them in a variety of ways. The role includes:
- helping participants choose the right time to apply and helping them make arrangements to attend a weekend;
- providing any needed help to a participant’s family during the weekend; and
- providing prayerful support before, during and especially after the weekend as participants begin another phase of their spiritual journey.
One section of the OACM application form must be completed by mentors. While deciding to mentor someone, please keep the following points in mind. Participants should be:
- Christians (of any denomination, although the number of spaces available to non-Anglicans is limited);
- reasonably stable, mature and healthy. The weekend is not an appropriate place for those with serious psychological issues or substance abuse problems;
- well along on their faith journey, displaying potential for leadership within their parish; and
- searching for renewal and growth in their Christian life.
Mentors should discuss Cursillo with prospective participants in a frank and open way, being prepared to answer questions as fully as possible. They are also responsible to take participants to the weekend and bring them home. Applications are for upcoming weekends, rather than specific dates. They are processed on a first-come, first served basis. Sponsors are notified about an available space six weeks to a month before a weekend, and they in turn contact participants to confirm that they are able to attend. For those who cannot attend, applications will stay on file for the next available weekend.