Parish representatives serve as the local point of contact for information related to Cursillo. For more details view the job description for Parish Representatives.
We have been working to update our information. Here is the latest list of Parish Reps and we will continue to update it as information becomes available.
Cursillo Parish Representatives
Church | Parish Representative |
All Saints Westboro | Janet Connor |
Christ Church Ashton | Henry Troup |
Christ Church Aylmer | vacant |
Christ Church Bell’s Corners | Sharron Hamilton & Colleen Mayo-Pankhurst |
Christ Church Seaway | Nicole Cayer |
City View United Church | Harry Bender |
Emmanuel Arnprior | vacant |
Epiphany, Parish of | vacant |
Fitzroy Harbour, Parish of | Jim Wilson |
Good Shepherd Wakefield | Kristin Strube |
Hawkesbury/L’Orignal, Parish of | vacant |
Holy Trinity Merrickville | David Piercey |
Huntley, Parish of | John Cook |
Julian of Norwich | Anna Hislop |
Maberly/Lanark, Parish of | Joan Fleming |
March, Parish of | Mike Bryan |
St. George’s Clayton | Kathryn Giles |
St. Helen’s Orleans | Bev Hatt |
St. James Morrisburg | Jack Barkley |
St. James Perth | Ruth Soucy |
St. John the Baptist Iroquois | Arlene Armstrong |
St. John the Evangelist Lancaster | Marion Bebbington |
St. John the Evangelist Ottawa | Vicki Milnes |
St. John’s Smiths Falls | Patricia Warren |
St. Mark’s Ottawa | Janis & Michael Perkin |
St. Michael & All Angels Maxville | Eva Bodo |
St. Paul’s Almonte | David McCreery & Debbie McQuinn |
St. Paul’s Shawville | Bernie More |
St. Paul’s Kanata | Diane Brown |
St. Thomas Stittsville | Bonnie McNally |
St. Thomas the Apostle Ottawa | Richard Cherry & Wayne Kauk |
Trinity Cornwall | vacant |
Vankleek Hill, Parish of | Wayne Bichard |
West Quebec, Parish of | Rev. Susan Lewis |