Aims of the Ottawa Anglican Cursillo Movement
- A movement of the Church intended to help Christians
- The focus of Cursillo is on knowing Christ and making Him known to others
- It is an ongoing means of personal support to the individual
- It enables Christians to realize their personal vocation and their mission in the world
The position of Cursillo Parish Representative assists the Ottawa Anglican Cursillo Movement
to support its members through mentoring, prayer, and sharing. The Cursillo Parish Representative is the
personal link between each Cursillista, the Parish as a whole, and the rest of the Movement
Upholds the aims and purposes of Cursillo and the authentic three day weekend.
Supports and encourages the efforts of all Cursillistas who serve the movement by any means.
- Meet with your Parish Priest to identify yourself as the Cursillo Parish Representative and seek input.
- Liaise with Secretariat and the Cursillistas in your parish to keep them informed of Cursillo related news and upcoming events.
- Meet formally or informally with fellow Cursillistas and encourage their involvement in Group Reunions.
- Where appropriate, assist in introducing Cursillistas to existing Groups and in forming new Groups.
- Maintain a Parish Cursillo Binder or file. Consider including this job description, a list of Cursillistas in your parish, along with their contact information, copies of the Cursillo and Sponsor pamphlets, a current list of Secretariat members (available on the website or in the Rainbow),and any other current communications.
- Encourage participation in Cursillo events. With your Parish Priest’s consent, consider announcing Cursillo related information in your church bulletins or post them on the bulletin boards in your church.These events are open to ALL, not just Cursillistas. Weekends can also be prayed for during the intercessions.
- Consider holding an Ultreya. Assistance is readily available from Secretariat.
- Regularly visit the Cursillo website at and the Ottawa Anglican Cursillo page on Facebook to keep up to date on current events. Consider posting on the Facebook page.
- Encourage Cursillistas and Christians from other denominations in your vicinity to join in. Remember, we are in full communion with the Lutherans.
- Assist with keeping the OACM database up to date by notifying the Database Administrator via email at if there are any Cursillistas who have moved, married or died.